Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mushroom Cake

It started out white with lots of gold shimmery stuff.

I had a lot of trouble with my leaf tips. I think I need different ones.

Peanut butter frosting looks like worms.

Mixing colors...
The corners of my cake came too close to the edge and I had to smoosh some stuff with my lid. Lesson learned!
Decided to make it green.

Mina told me I needed to paint the bottoms of the mushrooms brown and I think she was right.

The end!

Paisley Cake

My gracious friend Laima needed a paisley cake for someone's birthday so I had some fun with this. Originally I wanted to pipe black and white around the burgundy and yellow but I couldn't make a black that didn't taste terrible and my buttercream frosting is very yellow and not white. I'm still having a bit of a problem with steadiness but I know that as my hands get stronger this will get better. And then I will develop carpal tunnel and need surgery.

Until then... CAKE!